Covid Eyes – Waiting

oil painting by Eoin Mac Lochlainn

Today’s painting for the Covid Eyes project is taken from a large oil painting entitled: “Waiting” that I created some years ago.  It was inspired by the character Babette in Gabriel Axel’s film “Babette’s Feast” – which itself was based on a story by Karen Blixen.

The film is about the inate impulse of the artist to create.  A wonderful film.

In this scene, is she waiting in hope, waiting in fear or, waiting to hear maybe?  What do you think?  For me, I paint first and ask questions later.

Indeed it’s possible that too much analysis inhibits the painter but I thought that it would be interesting to take a still from the film (by photographing the television screen) and using it as a starting-off point for a painting.

That original painting is currently hanging in the Olivier Cornet Gallery (visit by appointment only, for the present).



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